Sofia the First, Vol. 6 en streaming

Télécharger Sofia the First, Vol. 6
Sofia the First, Vol. 6

Regarder Sofia the First, Vol. 6 en streaming

  • Genre: Kids & Family
  • Date: 2015-09-19
  • Vote: TV-Y
  • Episodes: 14

Description :

After spending time learning the royal ropes, Sofia is finally ready to discover some of the secrets of Enchancia. While on a trip to Tangu, Sofia accidentally releases a rambunctious kid genie from a magical lamp. Then when Sofia is left in charge of Aunt Tilly’s house, she must protect it from a group of invading gargoyles. And when Sofia discovers a secret library, she begins a journey to learn the true power of her amulet! When you join Enchancia’s greatest adventurer, you’re in for one wild ride!

Tous les épisodes de Sofia the First, Vol. 6 en streaming

Sofia the First, Vol. 6 en streaming sur emule-island! Series TV en streaming

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