Dora's Ice Skating Spectacular en streaming

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Dora's Ice Skating Spectacular

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Description :

Get ready for a spectacular ice-skating adventure in Snowy Forest! Dora and Boots skate to the rescue of the Snow Princess, Snow Fairy, and all their Snowy Forest friends when they learn that a mean Ice Witch has taken everyone's ice skates! Dora must defeat the Ice Witch in an ice skating contest at Snowflake Lake to win back the skates, but she can only do it with your help! After that, get set for more exciting adventure in two bonus episodes. Join Dora and Boots as they jump into a sticker book world to help their friend Círculo – he needs to catch the runaway Shape Train before it reaches the Big Turn so he can steer the train to safety. Then team up with Dora, her talking Scooter, and her brave puppy Perrito to fish Boots out of the Big River before he goes over a waterfall! Ready to skate into adventure in three exciting episodes? ¡Vámonos!

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