Disorderlies en streaming

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Description :

Fasten your seat belts and hang on tight ... The Fat Boys have just fumbled their way into Palm Beach high society, and not since The Three Stooges crashed Hollywood has the screen seen such a comedic culture clash. This zany action-comedy ignites when The Fat Boys--Mark "Prince Markie Dee" Morales, Damon "Kool Rock-ski" Wimbley and Darren "The Human Beat Box" Robinson--take a job in Florida's richest community to care for an irascible, bedridden old millionaire (Ralph Bellamy). The ailing curmudgeon's avaricious nephew, Winslow Lowry (Anthony Geary), plans to snuff out the old man. But every time Winslow crawls in for the kill, his uncle is inadvertently saved by the incredible ineptitude of the Disorderlies.

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