Munger Road en streaming

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Munger Road

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Description :

On the evening of October 7th, four teenagers from the town of Saint Charles, Illinois venture out to a dark, mysterious road where local legend is that the train tracks have been haunted for years. Unbeknownst to them, while the small town prepares for their annual Scarecrow Festival the next day, a child murderer from the past has escaped imprisonment and his whereabouts are unknown. The Police Chief and his Deputy begin a search in fear that the murderer has returned home. At the same time; the teenagers become stuck on Munger Road… unable to call for help. As the police collect more suspicious evidence about the child murderer we slowly realize that the haunting of Munger Road is directly connected to his murderous past. The race is on as the Chief realizes the teenagers are missing and could be in grave danger. As the police search for both the killer and the kids… they realize that the horror hasn’t even begun yet.

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