Secret of the Wings en streaming

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Secret of the Wings

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Description :

Disney invites you on an incredible journey to an amazing new world, in a motion picture event that will take your breath away. For the fairies of Pixie Hollow, the Winter Woods is strictly off limits. But when a mysterious force draws Tinker Bell to cross the border into this unknown world, she discovers a secret that will change her life forever. She comes face-to-face with a frost fairy named Periwinkle, the only fairy who can help unlock the secret of the wings. With fun and laughter, they form a magical connection and make an astonishing discovery... they're more than friends, they're sisters! When Pixie Hollow is threatened, this perfect pair must work together to save their two worlds. Disney's Secret of the Wings will make you believe in the unbreakable bonds of friendship and sisterhood, and will change Pixie Hollow forever.

Secret of the Wings en streaming sur emule-island! Films en streaming

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