W.C. Fields and Me en streaming

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W.C. Fields and Me

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Description :

To the world he was a beloved, curmudgeonly funnyman, but behind the cameras he was someone very different. Get a glimpse of the real W.C. Fields in this dramatization of the longtime romance between the iconic comedian (Rod Steiger) and his mistress, Carlotta Monti (Valerie Perrine). Follow Fields from his beginnings as a Ziegfeld Follies headliner in New York to the movie sets of Hollywood, where his fame—and his drinking—steadily increased. Featuring costumes by Edith Head, original music by Henry Mancini and the incomparable Bernadette Peters in a supporting role, W.C. Fields and Me takes you back to the golden age of cinema.

W.C. Fields and Me en streaming sur emule-island! Films en streaming

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