Skate or Die en streaming

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Skate or Die

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Description :

When they happen to witness the murder of a drug dealer in an underground car park, Jerome and Benjamin, teenagers from the suburbs, need all their wits - but more importantly their considerable skateboarding skills - to escape the perpetrators and report what they've seen to the authorities. But at police headquarters they realise to their dismay that the murderers are actually bent cops. Making another quick getaway on their trusty skateboards, the two youths deftly avoid capture by an army of police in cars, on motorcycles and roller-blades in a breathless chase across Paris taking in the Arc de Triomphe, the banks of the Seine and the city's treacherous rooftops. Dany, their cute friend, Papy, her uncle, and a heavily pregnant police officer, try to come to the boys' aid before evil drug squad leader Lucas gets to them first.

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