The Hypnotic Eye en streaming

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The Hypnotic Eye

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Description :

A sulfuric acid facial. A lye cocktail. A close encounter with whirring fan blades. A flammable shampoo and a lit gas burner.Something is driving beautiful women into grotesque acts of self-mutilation – and the police investigation leads to a debonair stagehypnotist and his glamorous assistant, who harbors a deep and deadly secret! Allison Hayes (Attack of the 50 Ft. Woman) and JacquesBergerac (Gigi) star in a nerve-frying horror flick that combines quasi-science with beatnik culture and a women-in-peril storyline.An extra for '50s horror fans: Hypnomagic, a get-'em-into-the-theater gimmick that gives you, the viewer, "the opportunity to crossthe dark, mysterious threshold of your own unconscious mind." Beware!

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