House en streaming

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Description :

Horror novelist Roger Cobb is a man on the edge, reeling from his recent divorce, haunted by the mysterious disappearance of his young son, and struggling with his new book about his traumatic experiences in Vietnam. But when he moves into the strange house left to him by his late aunt, Roger’s precarious sanity comes under siege by nightmares of his dead war buddy, visits from a nosy neighbor, and an onslaught of hideous creatures from another dimension. Horror has found a new home, and it’s fully furnished with murder, monsters and madness! William Katt (TV’s “The Greatest American Hero”), George Wendt (TV’s “Cheers”), Richard Moll (TV’s “Night Court”) and Kay Lenz (Stripped to Kill) star in this outrageously scary horror hit, produced by Sean S. Cunningham (Friday the 13th) and directed by Steve Miner (Warlock, Halloween: H20).

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