Hilary and Jackie en streaming

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Hilary and Jackie

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Description :

The incredible true story of two sisters joined by music and torn apart by love for the same man. Hilary (Rachel Griffiths, Academy Award® nominee for Best Supporting Actress) and Jacqueline du Pre (Emily Watson, nominee for Best Actress) grow up as musical prodigies in England in the 1950s. While Hilary chooses to start a family, Jackie quickly rises to international fame and fortune. She dazzles audiences with unbridled passion for her music and soon marries renowned pianist and conductor Daniel Barenboim. Although they are treated as musical royalty, the constant touring becomes a strain in Jackie. She longs for the simpler life that Hilary built and more. On an unannounced visit, a lonely and depressed Jackie reveals the unthinkable: that she also longs for her sister's husband.

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