Flame & Citron en streaming

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Flame & Citron

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Description :

Based on true events, critically acclaimed and the most successful Danish film ever, this mega-budget production is set in occupied Copenhagen in 1944. While the population hopes for a swift end to the war, freedom fighters Bent (23), alias Flame and Jorgen (33), alias Citron, secretly put their lives at stake fighting for the Resistance. The fearless and uncompromising Flame is a dedicated anti-fascist who dreams of the day when their group will reassemble and openly launch an armed counterattack at the occupying power. The more sensitive family man Citron primarily works as a driver for Flame, but finds himself becoming more deeply involved in clandestine activities. Desperate, disillusioned and with a sense of having been betrayed by their superiors, they decide only to trust each other and concentrate their efforts on getting to the much hated and feared chief of the Gestapo. "A deeply involving look at people living permanently on the knife-edge of danger" – Turan, LA TIMES. From IFC Films.

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