Terminator Salvation en streaming

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Terminator Salvation

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Description :

Terminator Salvation (Director's Cut) contains explosive additional footage not shown in theaters. The year is 2018. An army of Terminators roams the post-apocalyptic landscape, killing or collecting humans. But small groups of survivors have organized into a Resistance, hiding in underground bunkers and striking when they can. Controlling the Terminators is the artificial intelligence network Skynet, which became self-aware 14 years earlier and turned on its creators, unleashing nuclear annihilation. The world is on the brink of the future that John Connor (Christian Bale) has been warned about all his life. But something totally new has shaken his belief that humanity stands a chance of winning this war: the appearance of Marcus Wright (Sam Worthington), a stranger from the past. As Skynet adapts new strategies to end the Resistance forever, Connor and Marcus must find common ground to take a stand against the onslaught--to infiltrate Skynet and meet the enemy head-on.

Terminator Salvation en streaming sur emule-island! Films en streaming

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