Beethoven en streaming

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Description :

Fall in love with the big-hearted, wet-nosed star of this outrageous comedy hit from producer Ivan Reitman. With nefarious dognappers hot on his heels, an adorable puppy named Beethoven adopts the unsuspecting Newton family - and promptly grows up into 185 pounds of romping, drooling, disaster-prone St. Bernard! Charles Grodin is George, the none-too-thrilled father whose disdain for the cuddly canine turns to loyalty after Beethoven becomes the target of unspeakable animal experimentation. Now it's up to George to save the day in this fetching adventure that's " for the whole family" (Janet Maslin, New York Times).

Beethoven en streaming sur emule-island! Films en streaming

Voir Beethoven en streaming sur internet gratuitement : Pour regarder Beethoven cliquez sur le bouton play dans le lecteur.

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