His Kind of Woman en streaming

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His Kind of Woman

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Description :

Deported crime boss Nick Ferraro (Emmy-winner Raymond Burr "Rear Window") needs to re-enter the United States to run his operation. His plan involves hard-up gambler Dan Milner (Golden Globe-winner Robert Mitchum "Cape Fear"), who is persuaded, both by a series of beatings and a substantial sum of money, to sell his identity to Nick. En route, Dan meets the singer Lenore Brent (Jane Russell "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes"), who is actually posing as an heiress, trying to marry a millionaire. On arrival at posh resort in Baja California, Dan finds the ostensibly rich, carefree guests all playing roles...except for the Hollywood actor Mark Cardigan (Vincent Price "House on Haunted Hill," "Edward Scissorhands"). Directed by Oscar-winner John Farrow ("Around the World in 80 Days").

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