Jack-Jack Attack en streaming

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Jack-Jack Attack

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Description :

Kari the babysitter thinks she's in for a night of routine babysitting. She’s prepared to provide neurological stimulation with some soothing musical accompaniment for little Jack-Jack, the smallest member of the incredible Parr family. Little does she know that Jack-Jack will teach her a thing or two about babies with "special needs." True to her word, Kari proves she can handle anything Jack-Jack can dish out - just barely. And Jack-Jack proves that listening to Mozart truly does make babies smarter. Or, in his case, discover his super powers. The idea behind Jack-Jack Attack was originally a sequence in The Incredibles, but was cut when director Brad Bird decided to reveal the baby's powers at the end of the movie. By expanding the babysitting misadventure to a short film, the creative team elevated to hilarious heights Kari's frantic calls to Helen Parr.

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