Tom and Huck en streaming

Télécharger Tom and Huck
Tom and Huck

Regarder Tom and Huck en streaming

Description :

Jonathan Taylor Thomas (Home Improvement) stars as America's greatest teenage hero -- Tom Sawyer! No boy ever had so much fun, got into so much trouble, or had so many outrageous adventures! Disney's magic touch now turns Mark Twain's masterpiece into "An outstanding classic adventure film" (Kids News Network). Tom and his rebellious friend Huck (Brad Renfro) witness a midnight killing. They swear not to reveal what they saw -- but that causes a real problem. If Tom doesn't speak up, an innocent friend may be hanged. But if he does tell the truth, the real killer, knife-throwing Injun Joe, will come after him! "Tom and Huck" has it all -- a treasure hunt, a haunted house, a courtroom showdown, a scary chase in a cave, and a valuable lesson for young Tom: when a friend's in trouble, you don't run away!

Tom and Huck en streaming sur emule-island! Films en streaming

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