Antlers en streaming

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Description :

From acclaimed fantasy film producer Guillermo del Toro and director Scott Cooper comes this disquieting horror thriller written by C. Henry Chaisson, Nick Antosca and Cooper. In ANTLERS, small-town Oregon elementary school teacher Julia Meadows (Keri Russell) notices something is “off” about Lucas, one of her students. He’s a quiet loner, and when asked to join in storytelling and drawing assignments, he presents disturbing material about mythical beasts inspired by local lore. Concerned, Julia seeks to learn more about Lucas’s home life. When it appears that he is living in dire conditions, Julia and her brother Paul (Jesse Plemons), the town’s sheriff, explore further, eventually discovering that Lucas is harboring a dangerous secret. When they ultimately learn the whole truth about Lucas’s family, things take a terrifying turn. Genre master del Toro is joined by producers David S. Goyer and J. Miles Dale, with Jim Rowe, Nick Antosca and Kevin Turen as executive producers. Graham Greene, Scott Haze, Rory Cochrane and Amy Madigan also star in this chilling story that ties an ancient terror to insatiable human greed and its modern wages of poverty, addiction and environmental devastation.

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