Beauty Mark en streaming

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Beauty Mark

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Description :

Inspired by true events, this award-winning film tells the story of Angie (Auden Thornton, THIS IS US), a poverty-stricken young mother who must find a new home for her three year old son (Jameson Fowler) and her alcoholic mother (Catherine Curtin, ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK) after their house is condemned. With no money and no options, she must confront the man from her abusive past (Jeff Kober, SONS OF ANARCHY) in order to save her family. From the producer of ALL IS LOST and MARGIN CALL and with a supporting cast featuring Madison Iseman (JUMANJI: WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE), Laura Bell Bundy (ANGER MANAGEMENT), and Deirdre Lovejoy (THE WIRE), BEAUTY MARK is a powerful film tackling one of the most important social issues of our times. Winner: Los Angeles Film Festival Special Jury Prize Breakout Performance, Woodstock Film Festival Best Ultra Indie Award, San Luis Obispo International Film Festival Best Narrative Feature Award, SENE Film Music & Arts Festival Best Feature Film and Best Actress Awards, and Austin Film Festival Best Narrative Feature Audience Award.

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