Mosul en streaming

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Description :

Mosul, Iraq's second largest city is overrun by ISIS fighters and the Islamic State, imposing a reign of terror to the city, as a disgraced and disorganized Iraqi Army retreats to Baghdad. Years later, a revitalized army of Iraqi soldiers and militiamen mobilize to liberate the city. ALI MULA, an Iraqi journalist, joins this army of uneasy allies to find out if they can put aside their sectarian differences and free their country. MULA encounters an unforgettable group of characters ranging from a Sunni tribal leader named "the Crocodile", a militia leader avenging the death of her husband, an Iraqi Army colonel brushing aside sectarian differences, to refugees fleeing from the brutality of ISIS occupation. In the aftermath of Mosul's liberation and back home again in Baghdad, MULA ponders the question: Is the war against ISIS over, or have the seeds of the next sectarian conflict already been sown?

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