México Bárbaro

México Bárbaro en streaming

  • Genre: Horror
  • Date: 2015-11-03
  • Vote: Unrated
  • Temps: 1h 51min
  • Directeur: Laurette Flores, Edgar Nito, Aarón Soto, Isaac Ezban, Lex Ortega, Jorge Michel Grau, Ulises Guzmán & Gigi Saul Guerrero
  • Production : Yellow Films
  • Pays: Mexico

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Description :

A vanguard of Mexican directors unite to bring tales of the most brutally terrifying Mexican folkore and legends to vividly shocking life. MEXICO BARBARO presents haunting stories that have been woven into the fabric of a nation’s culture, some passed down through the centuries and some new, but all equally frightening. Stories of boogeymen, trolls, ghosts, monsters, Aztec sacrifices, and of course the Day of the Dead all come together in urban and rural settings to create an anthology that is as contemporary as it is traditional and as important as it is horrifying.

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México Bárbaro TRUEFRENCH BDRip / HDRip / HDLIGHT 1080p /BLU-RAY 720p


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