Tales of the Rat Fink en streaming

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Tales of the Rat Fink

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Description :

From the award-winning director of COMIC BOOK CONFIDENTIAL and GRASS comes TALES OF THE RAT FINK, Ron Mann's wildly inventive bio about Renaissance man Ed "Big Daddy" Roth, who engineered a shift in mid-twentieth century culture with his customized cars, "monster" T-shirts and America's alternative rodent - "Rat Fink".Mann's largely animated documentary features the voice talents of John Goodman, Ann-Margret, Jay Leno, Brian Wilson, Tom Wolfe, Matt Groening, Robert Williams, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Paul LeMat, Billy F Gibbons, Theo Rosnick and The Smothers Brothers.Filmed in Kandy color. Recorded with real 426 hemi engines. Rated F for Finks everywhere.

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